Africa Beyond Borders – Building on Africa’s Creative
Industries to Deliver Growth
The Creative Industries are at the center of Africa’s
cultural renaissance, emerging as a catalyst for growth
and a source of employment for Africa’s innovative,
dynamic, and youthful population. In Africa, the
Creative Industries generate $4.2 billion annually but
have a limited share in the global market. A long
history of inadequate funding, weak regulations, and
infrastructural challenges has stunted growth, hampering
its significant untapped potential. What role can the
private sector play in fostering the growth of Africa’s
creative sectors, and how can these solutions address
complex development challenges in the region? This
session will harmonise players from across private
organizations, including sector experts from film,
fashion, animation, gaming, and creators’ economy from
across Africa, to share perspectives and contribute to
an informed discussion on the topic.
Discussion points:
What scalable solutions can we adopt to grow
Africa’s share of the global Creative Industries
market, and what sectors hold a comparative
advantage for the region?
What innovative funding models can help creative
businesses attract long-term financing and move past
survival mode?
What type of innovative partnerships can we develop
to overcome the existing gaps in the African
creative value chain?